
HealthyCo organic peanut butter is tasty and healthy, and made with only organic peanuts and salt!
No added sugar and suitable for Vegans.
Available in two tastes, one as a creamy and smooth irresistible taste and the other, with a perfect crunch in every bite which makes the tase even a little more satisfying.  
Our peanut butter is made by only organic peanuts and salt. No more ingredients need to be added to get a delicious product.
Harvesting peanuts is a two-step process. The digger pulls up the peanut plant, flips it upside down and sets it back down on the row. The peanuts dry for a few days then the farmer uses another machine called a shaker, which separates the peanut pods from the rest of the plant.
The peanuts are carefully chosen and picked to make our tasty and peanut butter.
Made with only organic peanuts which can make the oil separate, but only stir around with a spoon and the texture gets smooth and nice again. Can without any issues be refrigerated and stored to get a firmer texture.

We are a young, agile, Swedish company that practice what it preaches. Since 2012, the company’s founders have taken an interest in functional, tasty, healthy – preferably protein- enriched products. Our motto is “If we consume it ourselves, we want to share it with others.”
First Class Brands of Sweden´s  business idea is based on identifying products and product categories that show a positive trend and strong growth potential among a few, strong suppliers. This approach enables FCB to develop the right product and create an alternative to an existing big seller – but with more flavour and a more impactful design. This means First Class Brands of Sweden introduces a product into the relevant category with unique selling points. The trend towards healthier living and the demand for healthier foodstuffs is on a constant upward curve. It is therefore First Class Brands of Sweden intention to supply the market with pleasurable, protein-enriched, and healthier products for supermarkets, convenience stores and hotels, restaurants & cafés (HORECA).
The HealthyCo brand is a concept from us, to produce and distribute nutritious alternatives to the current commodities offering. HealthyCo meets demands of a modern and aware consumer who has organic farming, health and functional nutrition on their agenda – but who at the same time is price conscious and doesn’t not necessarily think that good food needs to be expensive.
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